About Toaster

Hi there! I'm Dave.

Here at Toaster I'm a hardware / software engineer located in beautiful San Jose, California.

Before Toaster I worked on hardware / software stuff at Apple and various startups.

Before that I studied ECE at CMU.



  1. What information does Toaster collect?
    Toaster collects the information that customers provide when placing an order, such as name, email address, and shipping address.
  2. What does Toaster do with the information it collects?
    Toaster uses the collected information to fulfill orders and provide support for customers. Toaster does not share this information with anyone.
  3. How does Toaster keep the collected information safe?
    Toaster uses Google's Firestore to store customer information, and therefore inherits its safety and security properties.

    See the Firestore documentation for more information.