Zero to Photon:
RAMController.v: a Verilog SDRAM controller
2024 . 4 . 22
Photon uses a 8-million-word, 16-bit, single-port SDRAM (the AS4C8M16MSA) to store images before writing them to flash. An ICE40 FPGA communicates with the SDRAM via RAMController.v, a Verilog SDRAM controller described by this post.

When synthesized for ICE40, RAMController.v's maximum clock frequency is ~130 MHz allowing for a maximum throughput of ~248 MB/sec. (These numbers are from Photon's top-level Verilog synthesized with the Yosys/icestorm toolchain.)

RAMController.v should work with any FPGA, but it's been specifically tested and used with the ICE40 and the Yosys/icestorm toolchain.

RAMController.v Overview

RAMController.v is a Verilog module that provides a simple interface for reading from / writing to single-port SDRAM chips.

RAMController.v abstracts away the inconvenient details of managing an SDRAM, such as:

  • initializing the SDRAM after power on
  • issuing refresh commands at regular intervals (which might occur during a read/write)
  • waiting the proper delays before/after reading/writing data
  • activating the appropriate bank before reading/writing data, and precharging it after
  • handling DQM masking on the appropriate clock cycle

RAMController.v breaks the SDRAM into a configurable number of "blocks". For example, Photon's SDRAM is large enough to hold two images, so it's broken into two blocks.

RAMController.v Interface

RAMController.v groups its IO signals into three ports, described below.

Command Port

Reads and writes are initiated using the Command port:
input wire[1:0] cmd,
input wire[N:0] cmd_block,
  • input cmd: the operation to perform

    Valid values: None, Read, Write, Stop

  • input cmd_block: the applicable block

    Only applies for cmd = Read / Write

Read Port

The Read port is used after a Read command is issued on the Command port.
output wire      read_ready,
input  wire      read_trigger,
output wire[N:0] read_data,
  • output read_ready: signals whether read_data holds a valid word
  • input read_trigger: signals whether reading should advance to the next word on the next cycle
  • output read_data: provides the word from the current position within cmd_block

Write Port

The Write port is used after a Write command is issued on the Command port.
output wire      write_ready,
input  wire      write_trigger,
input  wire[N:0] write_data,
  • output write_ready: signals whether write_data can be written
  • input write_trigger: signals whether write_data should be written

    While deasserted, writing is paused at the current position within cmd_block

  • input write_data: the word to write to the current position within cmd_block

SDRAM Refreshing

SDRAMs require explicit refresh commands to be issued periodically to ensure the stored data remains valid. RAMController.v automatically issues these commands, but it's important to note that this refresh mechanism can interrupt a read or write that's in progress.

It's for this reason that the read_ready and write_ready outputs are provided. The client must properly handle these signals by ensuring that its state machine does not advance when read_ready=0 or write_ready=0, which could occur during any read or write, or while the SDRAM is first being initialized.


RAMController.v provides the following parameters to allow customization for a particular SDRAM:
  • ClkFreq: the frequency of the clock provided to the SDRAM chip; used to calculate the various delays (such as the delay between refresh commands)
  • BlockCount: the number of blocks that the SDRAM is broken into (Photon uses BlockCount=2)
  • WordWidth: the width of a word, as defined by the SDRAM chip
  • BankWidth: the width of the bank address, as defined by the SDRAM chip
  • RowWidth: the width of the row address, as defined by the SDRAM chip
  • ColWidth: the width of the column address, as defined by the SDRAM chip
  • DQMWidth: the width of the DQM signals, as defined by the SDRAM chip

Timing Parameters

RAMController.v requires the following timing parameters (generally provided in a table in an SDRAM's datasheet):
  • tINIT: power-up initialization time
  • tREFI: time between refreshes (4K refreshes / 64ms)
  • tRC: bank-activate to bank-activate time (same bank)
  • tRFC: refresh time
  • tRRD: row activate to row activate time (different banks)
  • tRAS: row activate to precharge time (same bank)
  • tRCD: bank activate to read/write time (same bank)
  • tRP: precharge to refresh/row activate (same bank)
  • tWR: write recover time